Secret Santa 2016 Project Reveal

hisui_icon_4040_round It is once gain time to learn the identity of your Anime Secret Santa. Where they a kindly Befana who left you an undiscovered anime gem or a wicked Frau Perchta made you watch Vampire Holmes. Hopefully, either way, everyone involved had a good time and hopefully learns a little about their fellow anime fans.

Or if nothing else has made a bitter rival whose destruction will give them strength to carry on even in the darkness times.

One quick question for everyone to think about as they look over the list below: What could we do next year to make this even better. At this point, I think the Secret Santa Project is a fairly well-oiled machine. This is the 7th year for this exchange so I think we have worked out most of the major kinks. But is there something we have missed? It is entirely possible. This is also the time to innovate. 2017 could be a fun time to try a little twist on what he have done in the past.

If you have an improvement, variant (other than Manga Secret Santa), or a bit of advice for next year just kindly let us know below.

10 thoughts on “Secret Santa 2016 Project Reveal

  1. Annalyn says:

    Thanks again for putting this on! I really enjoy interacting with different anime and anibloggers than I usually do.

    One note: Foomafoo hasn’t reviewed the anime I recommended yet. The chocolate girl one you linked to here was from last year—I’ve only heard of it because of my research pre-recommendations. ^_^

    • Raven says:

      Thank you for the recommendation, Emma :]

      I… didn’t end up loving HAL as much I wanted to, but I still enjoyed the film and it was an interesting experience. Thank you for taking the time to write detailed recommendations, and looking forward to see more of your writing in the future~

      • Emdaisy1 says:

        No problem!

        Sorry to hear you didn’t enjoy it much! I wasn’t terribly familiar with the other sci-fi stuff you watched, so was just going based on your comment about very human-like robots. I’d watched HAL recently, and enjoyed it, so maybe was a taaaaddd biased. ;) Haha. :)

        Thanks! Looking forward to more of yours as well!

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