April Updates: Excellent Taste

Hello, all! Kate here.

In case you missed it, this fun little quiz was going around to determine whether you have proper taste in anime men. As should be expected, I and those I associate with all got “Excellent Taste” scores. It actually seems pretty hard to NOT get “Excellent Taste,” but somehow it has happened.

Speaking of excellent taste, I lost a couple of days to a Gackt live marathon. I was once a deeply devoted fan, but have lapsed in last few years so it was time to revisit his music. Turns out I still really love this ridiculously theatrical chuni dork with an incredible voice who sometimes dances with cat mascots. My favorite live is Requiem et Remincesnce I, Gackt is less refined at this point but to my eye he is having the most fun. He makes me laugh, he makes me cry. Get well soon, Gackt!

For bonus points with me, share a favorite Gackt video in the Discord!

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