The Speakeasy #035: Maiden’s Prayer, Women in Anime Fandom

Drink #035: Maiden’s Prayer,
Women in Anime Fandom

Women in geeky fandom is increasingly becoming a topic of conversation. The idea that women might actually like video games, comics, science fiction, TCGs, anime, manga, and other hobbies that are stereotypical male is hardly a new idea. There have always been women in these hobbies. But recently their presence has become more and more visible. This in turn has led to a good deal of friction as some guys can’t seem to deal with women in their clubhouse.

The anime and manga community is fairly well-balanced when it comes to the sexes but still faces it share of problems. The concept of the fake geek girl and an overabundance of fujoshi influence are just a few of the more prominent issues.

We were fortunate enough to get Kyokai from Metanorn, Maggie a prominent cosplayer, and our very own Narutaki to weigh in on their experiences as female fans in the community. They talk about their feelings on how they have been treated over the years and discuss the truths and misconceptions of the female otaku.

As as side note Dave Merrill brought up some of the first prominent female fans in the America in response to me mentioning the topic of this podcast. I figured this would be a good a place as any to give them a little salute for their contributions.

  • Lorraine Savage ran the Anime Hasshin national independent anime club from 1987-2001 which had 100s of members and even a zine.
  • Meri Davis (@akonchair) started Project A-Kon back in 1990 the oldest anime con still running, before that she ran the EDC anime club.
  • Jane McGuire edited the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization Magazine back in the mid 1980s that was full of translations, synopses, and fan art.
  • Ardith Carlton was behind the first Robotech art book.

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And now your helpful bartenders at The Speakeasy present your drink:

Maiden’s Prayer

Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

4 thoughts on “The Speakeasy #035: Maiden’s Prayer, Women in Anime Fandom

  1. matty says:

    I, too, have a hard time getting into Doctor Who.

    hisui really summed it up for me; the fact that these issues are being discussed more openly and brought into the center circle to be observed shows some leaps in the community.
    I grew up with a female cousin (same age) who shares the same interest and mindset that I have, so I have never thought as fans who are women to be anything new, either. To be honest, I wasn’t even aware this was an issue for a while, but I can definitely see why it’s becoming a more pressing topic, though.
    Why can’t we all just get along? ;~;

    I think uber nerds, the ones who bombard you with 50 bajillion questions, are interesting. I’m a bit of an introvert, but I can handle really outgoing people, maybe bordering hyperactive. Thinking about it, I think was a roommate with one while attending Anime Expo. I don’t know, but I’m fascinated with the other side of the spectrum sometimes.

    Anyway, good show, chaps!

  2. VF5SS says:

    The subject of female fans getting drilled on their nerd knowledge got me thinking. Are there cosplayers who take pride in knowing nothing about the subject of what they’re portraying outside of the general character design? I find that in the toy collecting community (particularly mecha stuff) there is a vocal segment of fans who wear their ignorance on their sleeves like a badge of honor yet they genuinely aren’t harshly criticized for it.

  3. vichussmith says:

    I don’t know if there is better terminology out there on the internet that’s used, but I’ll use the term “dormant fan” to say that I realized that there was this type of cartoon that stood out from the other cartoons I watched, but I didn’t know it came from Japan.

    Then I was an “awakened fan” once Saturday morning TV and Cartoon Network jumped on the anime boom in America.

    As for this season being too “fujoshi,” I welcome it with open arms! I like some of these “girl shows.” It’s better than fricking moe and lame archetypes. I’m surprised that this is considered a less ecchi season. Maybe I haven’t examined it enough, but

    I don’t know if anyone here saw it, but The Escapist has a webcomic called Critical Miss, and it perfectly touched on the comic book dude (I forget his name; he’s fairly famous, and I’m shocked I don’t remember) and the whole “Fake Geek Girl” discussion that made waves yet again last week.

  4. vichussmith says:

    Isn’t it sad that a practice which has happened since before we had anything resembling a computer (using a sexless penname) is still something women feel like they need to do because guys are so aggressive against them?

    Also, I find the “cred check” that some guys do to girls ridiculous, because the number of guys doing that to other guys is far less frequent.

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